Open JTalk![]() What is Open JTalk?Open JTalk is a Japanese text-to-speech system.This software is released under the Modified BSD license. Getting Open JTalkOpen JTalk version 1.11 (25 December, 2018) NEW!The Japanese text-to-speech system.It works in Linux machines. Documentation Source Code Dictionary for Open JTalk version 1.11 (25 December, 2018) NEW!If you cannot compile dictionary, you can use compiled dictionaries as follows.Binary Package (Shift-JIS) Binary Package (EUC-JP) Binary Package (UTF-8) HTS voice version 1.05 (25 December, 2012)HTS voice for Open JTalk trained by using the Nitech Japanese Speech Database.Documentation Binary Package Voice DemosOpen JTalk Demonstration Page (Japanese)Mailing Listsopen-jtalk-users@lists.sourceforge.netAttention!! "HTS" and "HTS demo script" are not supported in this mailing list. You must subscribe to the list before you are allowed to send message to it. LinksHTKHTS SPTK hts_engine API MeCab NAIST Japanese Dictionary The Open JTalk SourceForge page contains all the releases, instruction for CVS access, discussion forum, bug tracker and other info. |